Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Early Civilizations Essay Example For Students

Early Civilizations Essay Native American civilizations thrived in the Western Hemisphere beforeEuropeans discovered the New World. These civilizations had manysimilarities and contributed much to the development of the Latin Americanculture today. Each civilization was a part from each other, however they hadaccomplished almost the something and had ideas that were alike but they were sofar apart its a astounding of what they came up with. The environment is veryimportant to a civilization. The Mayas lived in a tropical rain forest wherethey were surrounded by plant life and tree. The Incas however lived in a moredry, grassy, mountainous environment. But the Aztecs settled in a watery area,actually their center town, to which al of their road went, was in the middle ofa lake. Even thought these civilizations are so far apart they have createdthings that are similar, and they have done such fascinating things with suchlittle technology. For example the Maya were ahead of their time they hadclocks, they could tell time, predict eclipse, they had a calendar, and a numbersystem of zero. The Aztecs were also remarkable they had pyramids, math,language, herbs and medicine, and a calendar. Their religious practices werealso similar. The Mayas believed in human sacrifices, burial chambers, and theyhad special pyramids that were like temples. These temples would be very high,because I think they thought that the higher the pyramid the closer to god theyare. The Aztecs were very gruesome people they are sort of like the, Spartans,they believed in war and killing. When they won a war they would take prisoners. And they would ripe the hearts out when they were still beating! They toobelieved in human sacrifice. However on the other hand the Incas were morepeaceful people they were polytheistic all of the civilizations were, but theIncas really believed in human labor, they believed in forces of nature, and infestivals. The other hand their agriculture was very different Mayans grewbeans, corn, and squash. The Aztecs had floating gardens, they surrounded theircenter city, since it was in the middle of a lake. The Incas based their liveson hunting, fishing and gathering food, but they did not develop cities. Youthese three civilizations are alike and different. But I think that if they allcame together and lived peacefully without fighting, they would have mad onegreat civilization.

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