Saturday, February 22, 2020

Corporate Ethics and Responsibilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Corporate Ethics and Responsibilities - Essay Example The result is efficient employment of resources, and the mutual satisfaction of all parties – essentially the natural behaviour of free market forces. Viewed from the utilitarian theory, what should prevail is the greatest good for the greater number. In this case, were capital to be exported from a capital-rich to a capital-needy country, then everybody benefits. The destination country and the corporation benefitted will be able to employ the capital in increased production which will increase employment and provision of goods and services. The investing company will earn income on what would otherwise have been idle funds, and the source country will earn through an increase in duties from exports, or taxes from income abroad. Viewed this way, it is a win-win proposition. Finally, from the libertarian point of view, the choice to export and receive capital to and from other countries is a matter of choice, and the parties involved should be free to choose how to come to terms about the exchange in capital. On the other hand, probably the only drawback to the unconstrained exercise of this freedom is the possible exploitation (e.g., through cheap labour, and so forth) of the destination country and its citizens. As long as proper safeguards are installed, however, this should be susceptible to effective regulation. The capital dealt with here is legitimate capital. Where the â€Å"capital† is in the nature of contraband, or are monies that are subject of control under the anti-money laundering laws, then the above discussion does not apply, and such â€Å"capital† should be sequestered. 2. The freedom to export commodities which have been banned from sale in the United States. – This freedom should be exercised under reasonable constraint, depending on the reason for which the ban was imposed.

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