Friday, December 27, 2019

How Social Media Affects Relationships - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 682 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Social Media Essay Did you like this example? Social media is a new way to express thoughts to one another and connect amongst many groups, it has positive and negative aspects to daily lives. One of the positives is being able to branch out ideas and discover many people who may have common interests around the world, however; social media takes a toll on how others connect on a personal level and face to face interaction. Social media could potentially lead to issues with peoples relationships such as couples, parents, friends, and so many others. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How Social Media Affects Relationships" essay for you Create order These issues affect the bonds we have with one another. Social media negatively affects relationships by decreased social skills, trust issues, and lack of privacy. Most peoples first instinct when they wake up in the morning is to check their phone and see who has liked a picture, posted on their story, or perhaps if someone had retweeted a tweet. Think about all the time spent on electronics and how much time is taken away from their friends and family. A major key in a relationship is to connect on a deeper level and have that personal time with one another and create a bond that they share with no one else. Instead of having a conversation while eating most people tend to watch a video on YouTube or scroll on their Instagram feed. The constant need for social media takes away from peoples social skills and being able to show emotion to one another. Another example, when most people fight in a relationship they prefer to do it over text and to try and avoid the conflict. Ultimately social media has decreased many social skills. Social media can be used to connect with people around the world, old friends, or keep an update on their previous ex, this can cause tension in a relationship which in turn can develop trust issues. Most people have things they are insecure about and social media may cause these insecurities to come up more. People get upset over who their partner snapchatted, whose pictures theyve liked on Instagram, or who they might have messaged on Facebook. Even though these encounters may have been innocent, it may cause their partner to feel threatened and worried that they might find someone else. Insecurities caused by social media may cause arguments, dividing the couple and creating trust issues due to their self-doubt or a previous issue that may have happened in the past that they fixate over. Recently Lil Xan and Noah Cyrus were officially dating, until Lil Xan announced over his Instagram story stating she cheated on him. The two continuously went back and forth exposing each other over social media, which is what a lot of people tend to do. When people expose each other over social media there is a lack of privacy that they have in a relationship. People may post statuses about their partner, make an indirect tweet, or post about their partner on their stories. Lack of privacy leads friends, family, or strangers into their personal lives and usually causes a lot of conflict. When there is no privacy, people will start to comment and have opinions on others relationships and on their lives. An example is when someone makes a relationship public online and they tend to post pictures and change their statuses, many people may keep an update on their relationship and cause problems by always putting their opinions out there. Even though it is good for people to know that so meone is in a relationship, its best to give others a small taste in a sense of their life instead of every detail. Social Media correlates to a lot of positive and negative effects on everyday lives. Social media can be used to keep up with friends and family, but it also can take away from relationships that people have with their family and friends. It takes away from those relationships by decreased social skills, loss of trust, and lack of privacy. Society changes often, and it is up to the people to adapt and learn of the new ways of life.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Financial Analysis of Office Depot - 1312 Words

Financial Appraisal of Office Depot Part 1 Background introduction for Office Depot Office Depot is a supplier of office products and services. The companys selection of brand name office supplies includes business machines, computers, computer software and office furniture, while its business services encompass copying, printing, document reproduction, shipping, and computer setup and repair. An Samp;P 500 company, Office Depot generates revenues of over US $14 billion annually and has 42,000 employees worldwide. It is headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida. Office Depot is one of the biggest office supplies retailers, but its sales revenue decreased dramatically 26% from 14.5 billion dollars in 2008 to 10.7 billion dollars in 2012.†¦show more content†¦The technical products sales revenues accounted for only 20.9% of all, the ratio were 44.6% and 40% compared with Staples and Office Max respectively. 2. Weak Financial Performance A significant number of its vendors demand accelerated payments or require cash on delivery, such demands could have an adverse impact on its operating cash flow and result in severe stress on its liquidity. A downgrade in its credit ratings or a general disruption in the credit markets could make it more difficult for it to access funds, refinance indebtedness, obtain new funding or issue securities. 3. Weak Operating Performance Sales per retailing stores was average 6.4 million, the level stayed behind Office Max and Staples. The gross profit margin averages 30% while the operating profit margin almost 0%. Opportunity 1. Expand online services As more consumers transfer their purchasing place from physical stores to online, OD could enhance the online selling power. 2. Acquisitions Staples’s revenue was twice the OD’s revenue, OD could merge with Office Max in order to compete with Staples at the same level. In addition, after that the alliance could integrate the source effectively and efficiently and cut more operating cost. 3. Emerging markets and expansion abroad Although the economy of America was sinking into mud, the emerging markets like the Golden Brick countries have much bigger purchasing powerShow MoreRelatedProposed Merger Between Staples And Office Depot972 Words   |  4 PagesEffects: Proposed Merger between Staples and Office Depot (1997) Xueqi Ji 6252074952 Abstract FTC employed structural, documentary, statistical, econometrics and financial evidence to verify that the proposed merger of Staples and Office Depot will lead to increase in market concentration, market prices and stock prices, and thus support FTC’s contention that this merger will cause an anticompetitive effect on Office Superstore market. Staples and Office Depot made a plain and useless contradiction.Read MoreStaples Incorporated, By Founder Tom Stemberg1150 Words   |  5 Pageshe desired. 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Initial Success: He right away began leaving his mark on the organization, and for the first five years, the company s financial performance suggested good leadership. Sales grew dramatically–from $46 million in 2000 to $81.5 million inRead MoreHome Depot Financial Analysis1759 Words   |  8 PagesOverview Office Depot, Inc. (â€Å"Office Depot†), a supplier of a broad assortment of office products and business services throughout the United States and worldwide, announced on February 20, 2013 a merger agreement with OfficeMax, Inc., which will better equip them to compete in the rapidly-changing industry. In fiscal year 2012 alone, Office Depot generated $10.7 billion of revenues from its products and services, yet industry reviews of this company seem unfavorable. In this FSA Case AnalysisRead MoreInsider Trading: SEC v. Mark D. Begelman Essay629 Words   |  3 PagesOverview of the Case: The Securities and Exchange Commission claims Mark D. 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A typical Lowe’s store carries approximately 40,000 items. These items include other brands too such as allen + roth, Kobalt and Utilitech. Lowe’s product line includes products for home decoration, house maintenance, repairing, remodeling redesigning, and constructing a new house or office. Items that may not be available in the stores are still available to customers by placing special orders

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Critical Analysis on The Operational Activities

Question: Write an essay onCritical analysis on the operational activities in Heathrow Airport. Answer: Introduction The operational activities are typically referred to as the daily activities of a company that generates income. These types of exercises identify with the center business activities of an organization, for example, fabricating, disseminating, highlighting and offering an item or administration. The operational exercises decide the gainfulness of an organization as it gives the greater part of an organization's income. This paper examines the operational exercises of three associations named Heathrow Airport, TUI Group and Catering Facilities of Emirates Airline in Dubai. The management of the operational activities is important for efficiency and effectiveness of an organization hence the analysis will be carried out on the operational activities of the three organizations. Background This section outlines the background information of the three organizations upon which the critical analysis of their operational activities has been done in the later sections. Heathrow Airport: Heathrow Airport is an imperative worldwide plane terminal in Hillingdon, London, England, and United Kingdom. Heathrow is the busiest plane terminal in the United Kingdom, and furthermore the busiest air terminal in Europe by explorer action, and sixth busiest air terminal on the planet by total voyager development. In 2015, it dealt with a record 75 million explorers, a 2.2 percent development from 2014 (Adler, Liebert and Yazhemsky, 2013). Heathrow plane terminal has been in operation since 1946 and is the UK's greatest air terminal and the world's busiest overall air terminal, augmenting 60 million explorers and 1.3 million tons of payloads consistently. Terminal 5 when created will have the ability to handle 30 million voyagers for consistently, taking Heathrow's total number of explorers to around 90 million. TUI Group: TUI Group is a multinational travel and tourism association headquartered in Hannover, Germany. It is the greatest unwinding, travel and tourism association on the planet, and cases travel workplaces, motels, transporters, voyage ships and retail stores (Wu, 2016). The get-together has six European flying machines - the greatest event task force in Europe - and UK-based visit overseer Thomson. TUI Group is the world's primary tourism business (, 2016). In 2014/54 financial year, the TUI Group with a headcount of 76,000-recorded turnover of 20.1 billion and a working eventual outcome of 1.069 billion. Catering Facilities of Emirates Airline in Dubai: Emirates Flight Catering is 90% asserted by Emirates transporter, with the staying offer held by Dubai Civil Aviation (, 2016). Emirates Flight Catering (EKFC) gives in-flight giving nourishment and reinforce organizations to more than 120 airplanes flying into or out of Dubai International Airport and can convey more than 175,000 dinners for consistently from its two mechanically impelled cooking workplaces. Analysis of the Operational Activities in Heathrow Airport Heathrow Airport is used by more than 80 transporters venturing out to 185 destinations in 84 countries. The air terminal is the key focal point of British Airways and is a base for Virgin Atlantic. It has four voyager terminals (numbered 2 to 5) and a heap terminal (Atkin et al. 2013). The operational activities of Heathrow Airport are categorized into Facilities, Flight Movements, Regulation and Security. These are described as below: Facilities Heathrow had six runways, masterminded in three sets at various points fit as a fiddle of a hexagram with the perpetual traveler terminal in the center and the more seasoned terminal along the north edge of the field. As the required length for runways has developed, Heathrow now has only two parallel runways running east west (Wilke, Majumdar and Ochieng, 2014). These are enlarged adjustments of the two eastwest runways from the main hexagram. From the air, most of the main runways can even now be seen, solidified into the present plan of taxiways. The air terminal has its own inhabitant press corps, comprising of six picture takers and one TV team, serving all the significant daily papers, TV channels the world over, and there is a Central Waiting Area for the travelers in Terminal 5 (Robinson et al. 2016). Flight movements Each is described by a VOR radio-navigational reference point (Morris, Peters and Choroba, 2013). Exactly when the plane terminal is involved, aircraft circle in the related hold outlines. These holding ranges lie toward the northwest, upper east, southeast and southwest of the London conurbation. Flying machine holds between 7000 feet and 15000 feet at 1000-foot breaks. In the event that these holds turn out to be full, flying machine are held at focuses that are far off before being cleared forward to one of the four principle holds. Air development controllers at Heathrow Approach Control (arranged in Swanwick, Hampshire) then guide the plane to their last approach (Budeanu, 2012). Critical use is made of diligent dive approach techniques to minimize the environmental effects of drawing closer aircraft, particularly amid the night. Once a flying machine is developed on its last approach, control is offered over to Heathrow Tower. Regulation The yearly addition in landing charge per voyager was topped at extension less 3% until 1 April 2003. From 2003 to 2007, charges extended by extension notwithstanding 6.5% consistently, taking the cost to 9.28 per explorer in 2007 (, 2016). In March 2008, the CAA reported that the charge would be allowed to increase by 23.5% to 12.80 from 1 April 2008 and by extension notwithstanding 7.5% for each of the going with four years. The air terminal has been examined starting late to pack and concedes; according to Heathrow Airport Holdings, Heathrow's workplaces were at first proposed to suit 55 million voyagers consistently. The amount of explorers using the plane terminal accomplished a record 70 million in 2012 (, 2016). In 2007, the plane terminal was voted the world's base top decision, near to Chicago O'Hare in a TripAdvisor audit. In any case, the opening of Terminal 5 in 2008 has relieved some weight on terminal workplaces, growing the plane's terminal capacity to 90 million voyagers for consistently. A tie-up is similarly set up with McLaren Applied Technologies to overhaul the general philosophy, reducing delays and tainting. Security Policing of the plane terminal is the commitment of the flight security unit of the Metropolitan Police, regardless of the way that the furnished power, including protected vehicles of the Household Cavalry, has sporadically been sent at the air terminal in the midst of times of hoisted security (Suleic et al. 2014). Full body scanners are as of now used at the air terminal, and voyagers who thing to their use ensuing to being picked are required to submit to a hand look for in a private room. The scanners demonstrate voyagers' bodies as a toon style figure, with markers showing where secured things may be. The new imagery was displayed at first as a trial in September 2011, after dissents over security. Analysis of the Operational Activities in TUI Group The new TUI Group has 76,000 representatives, 1,800 travel organizations, 6 Airlines with 130 flying machine as well as 300 inns along with resorts. The operations of TUI Group include Tour Operators, Airlines and Cruise Lines. A consistent theme along those five key mainstays of the TUI Group is the steady inquiry to accomplish operational proficiency (Khairat and Maher, 2012). TUI Travel realizes that its clients request 'worth or cash' for their travel spending and the organization is always looking into ranges where it can enhance its operations and be as cost proficient as would be prudent without bargaining on client experience (, 2016). For instance, TUI Travel target overheads of less than 5% in each source market inside the visit head business. TUI Travel is moreover looking for after cost speculation reserves in its diverse activities including the centralization of back-office capacities at whatever point it is fitting and achievable. The aggregate reserve fund s made was 42m in 2012. From 2013 to 2015, the gathering is focusing on 22m of yearly cost investment funds in operations, speaking to an expected 5% expansion in gainfulness. Tour Operators TUI believes that the business according to the principles of sustainable is the only way for tourism to continue its development and to remain as one of the main engines powering the economy of many countries. The tourism sector is especially sensitive to the environment in which it develops. Extreme weather, in other words, climate changes such as hurricanes and floods, drought and the lack of snow, influence the development of tourist activities. The loss of cultural identity can lead to the reduction of its attractiveness, disappearance of uniqueness, which makes it special (, 2016). Besides this, the existence of poverty in the communities in which the company operates is the reality. TUI believes that its obligation which it has to accomplish is before is to improve these situations before its employees, clients and the society in general. The company tends to lead the firm through sustainable business. One of the obligations of TUI is even the reduction of social differences and the reduction of poverty through the possibilities for mutual economic growth (Cavlek, Matecic and Vlahov, 2012). As an organization, it is especially sensitive to social groups such as older people, people with disabilities, children (the future bearers of its heritage). Airlines TUI Group claims six European flying machines, obtained from TUI Travel, making it the greatest tourism pack in Europe. The social affair bearers work both booked and endorse flights to more than 150 destinations general leaving from more than 60 plane terminals in 9 European countries. TUI Airlines passes on countless voyagers and business explorers reliably (Wu, 2016). In May 2015, the TUI Group proclaimed to rebrand its present five bearer brands under one flying machine banner over the range of the coming years, to be titled 'TUI'. ArkeFly, Jetairfly, Thomson Airways, TUIfly and TUIfly Nordic will keep up the diverse air executive's confirmations (AOCs), yet will work under "one central relationship" with "one planning and upkeep limit." Cruise Lines TUI Hotels and Resorts deal with the lodging organizations in the World of TUI and is Europe's biggest occasion hotelier. TUI Hotels and Resorts contain lodging brands with large amounts of value and administration and in addition high ecological guidelines. More individuals are finding the fascination of an occasion on the ocean. For a considerable length of time, this section has created twofold digit development rates in the German-talking range. TUI is a main supplier and means to become further. The Cruises Sector pools TUI's exercises in the seven oceans. Two in number brands serve distinctive client prerequisites. Hapag-Lloyd Kreuzfahrten remains for extravagance and undertaking travels. TUI Cruises, set up in 2008, offers premium travels for the volume market (Ercegova and Ferenc, 2013). Both brands keep on expanding their armadas and their operations. Because of absence of new-building limit, TUI Cruises began having journey ships by gaining the voyage ship Celebrity Galaxy, which was worked by Meyer Werft and was possessed by another RCCL auxiliary, Celebrity Cruises. She exited the Celebrity armada on 16 March 2009. In the wake of procuring Celebrity Galaxy, the boat made a beeline for Lloyd Werft shipyards in Bremerhaven, Germany. She landed on 27 March 2009, and got a 50 Million, 38-day change to redesign her offices to suit a German-talking market. On May 27, 2010, it was declared that one more Century-class ship, Celebrity Mercury, would turn into the most recent expansion to TUI's armada, renamed Mein Schiff 2 (Parker, 2012). Because of this, Mein Schiff was renamed into Mein Schiff 1 preceding the refit. She entered administration with TUI in February 2011 after its broad restoration, with the expansion of more verandas, an extended wellbeing region and outline components, which are found on Mein Schiff 1. TUI Group expects to guarantee that their tourism offerings in the destinations are not given in disengagement from the biological and socia l structure in the nation concerned. Analysis of the Operational Activities in the Catering Facilities of Emirates Airline in Dubai Emirates Flight Catering (Emirates Catering) is an in-flight cooking organization supplier working in Dubai. The association offers in-flight cooking and reinforces organizations to Emirates Airlines isolated from offering organizations to air ship clients working at Dubai International Airport. It moreover gives event cooking, private plane giving nourishment and sustenance and refreshment organizations near to working a support era plant under the Food Point mark. Emirates Catering is 90% guaranteed by Emirates bearer and staying 10% offer is held by Dubai Civil Aviation. It fills in as a reinforcement of The Emirates Group, a travel and tourism mix. Emirates Catering is headquartered in Dubai, the UAE (Jones, 2012). Emirates Flight Catering (EKFC) gives in-flight giving nourishment and reinforce organizations to more than 120 bearers flying into or out of Dubai International Airport and can convey more than 175,000 suppers for consistently from its two imaginatively moved cooking workplaces. EKFC1, which is committed to offering suppers to voyagers going on Emirates air ship, is the greatest and bleeding edge giving sustenance office on the planet; EKFC2 serves each other transporter, including Singapore Airlines, Air France, Swiss and Virgin Atlantic (AIRLINES, 2013). In hard and fast Emirates Flight Catering has more than 6,000 delegates who convey a typical of 115,000 meals for consistently for explorers going ahead around 300 particular flights. Giving sustenance workplaces at Dubai International Airport backpedal to 1975 when 2,000-2,500 suppers were conveyed each day. EKFC was confined from the primary Emirates Abela Catering Company in 2003 with the main building getting the opportunity to be EKFC2 when the new office got the chance to be operational in July 2007. Emirates Flight Catering starts gourmet specialists with bespoke inclusion in culinary traditions as per the solicitations and tastes of its customers' palates and with the air ships' destinations (Squalli, 2014). A Japanese culinary master makes a regional extent of sushi for the Japanese expressways; an Indian power prepares a load of different curries to give nourishment to Indian sub-territory flights; and a gourmet master from the US admonishes on best menu options for flights to America. All EKFC offices including Food Point and modern clothing plant Linencraft, (which has the ability to handle more than 80 tons of material and clothing a day), have five-star evaluations for Occupational Health and Safety. EKFC has likewise ventured into the occasions market, giving cooking administrations to prominent shows and games competitions, for example, the biennial Dubai International Aerospace Exhibition, GITEX, the Dubai Tennis Championships and the Dubai Rugby Sevens. Emirates Airline is one of the world's greatest carriers, encouraging a huge number of travelers on load up a normal of 481 flights a day (Christina, 2015). To adapt to this interest, it works one of the biggest carrier nourishment plants on the planet - out of Dubai International Airport. At the Emirates Flight Catering Facility, 10,000 staff individuals get ready upwards of 180,000 dinners each day. The 88,000 square meter office has a 2.55 Km-long electric monorail, which transports dinner trucks to and from the planes. On any given day, Emirates gets ready 119,000 economy suppers, 19,000 business class dinners and 2,500 top of the line dinners. On top of that, it serves 11,000 group suppers on board their 249 airship. At first, the office was planned with a limit of 150,000 suppers for every day as a primary concern, albeit after different extension endeavors, it is presently fit for delivering more than 175,000 dinners a day. On any given day, the Emirates office produces 7500 sweets for first and business class clients, 65000 pastries for economy class, 15000 biscuits, 65000 servings of mixed greens involving 5000 for first and business class alongside 60,000 for economy (Bhatia, 2012). It additionally creates 1200 liters of Tomato Juice and more than 3 million things of hardware; for example, cutlery, ceramics and dishes are washed. On Friday, March 27, 2015, that number topped 179,386 suppers for Emirates flights leaving from Dubai, more than 4,000 more than their every day no rmal. The year prior to, the EKFC supplied right around 50million dinners for Emirates flights and 8.236 million for different carriers. In any case, that is just 65 percent of all suppers that are served on the aircraft (Roy, 2015). Thusly, for some it will not shock anyone that on a yearly premise, the office utilizes 23 million expendable gloves and four million hairnets. The operational activities of the Emirates Flight Catering facilities are supported by two subsidiaries as Food Point and Linencraft. Food Point Sustenance Point is a giving nourishment office based at Dubai Investment Park that opened in July 2005. It is another food era office, and can convey more than 30 million dinners consistently (Frank and Deveraux, 2015). Sustenance Point was arranged and its endeavor supervised by European Projects, a UK-based master support plan organization that has resulting to end up International Food Systems Ltd. Linencraft Linencraft is a washing office arranged at Dubai Investment Park, with a taking care of farthest point of 50 tons of dress and cleaning each day (Critchley, 2014). The workplace was to be able to handle 80 tons systematically by 2010. Conclusion The management of operational activities in the three organizations is essential as it involves the generation of income as well as expansion of their business worldwide. The managing of the operations within an organization is based on the making the processes right in an appropriate manner. From the above analysis on three organizations, it can be concluded that companies profit increases maximum when company focus on reducing the operations cost rather than increasing sales or reducing finance cost. The operations of an organization affect the companys ability to compete and offer a major opportunity for an organization to improve its productivity and profitability. Hence, it has been analyzed from the study that the three organizations should focus more on operations rather than sales and marketing to retain in the competition and attract more customers. References Adler, N., Liebert, V. and Yazhemsky, E. (2013). Benchmarking airports from a managerial perspective.Omega,41(2), pp.442-458. AIRLINES, E. (2013). Submitted to.TN RAO COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES A GLOBAL/COUNTRY STUDY AND REPORT ON UAE COMPANIES, p.20. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The May Fourth Movement Essay Example For Students

The May Fourth Movement Essay After World War I The Chinese felt betrayed. Anger and frustration erupted in demonstrations on May 4, 1919, in Beijing. Joined by workers and merchants, the movement spread to major cities. The Chinese representative at Versailles refused to endorse the peace treaty, but its provisions remained unchanged. Disillusioned with the West, many Chinese looked elsewhere for help. The May Fourth Movement, which grew out of the student uprising, attacked Confucianism, initiated a vernacular style of writing, and promoted science. Scholars of international stature, such as John Dewey and Bertrand Russell, were invited to lecture. Numerous magazines were published to stimulate new thoughts. Toward the end of the movement’s existence, a split occurred among its leaders. Some, like Ch’en Tu-hsiu and Li Ta-chao, were beginning to be influenced by the success of the Russian Revolution of 1917, which contrasted sharply with the failure of the 1911 Revolution in China to change the social order and improve conditions. By 1920, people associated with the Comintern (Communist International) were disseminating literature in China and helping to start Communist groups, including one led by Mao Zedong. A meeting at Shanghai in 1921 was actually the first party congress of the Communist Party of China (CCP). We will write a custom essay on The May Fourth Movement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The CCP was so small that the Soviet Union looked elsewhere for a viable political ally. A Comintern agent, Adolph Joffe, was sent to China to approach Sun Yat-sen, who had failed to obtain assistance from Great Britain or the United States. The period of Sino-Soviet collaboration began with the Sun-Joffe Declaration of Jan. 26, 1923. The KMT was recognized by the Soviet Union, and the Communists were admitted as members. With Soviet aid, the KMT army was built up. A young officer, Chiang Kai-shek, was sent to Moscow for training. Upon returning, he was put in charge of the Whampoa Military Academy, established to train soldiers to fight the warlords, who controlled much of China S(See Chiang Kai-shek). Zhou Enlai (also Chou En-lai) of the CCP was deputy director of the academy’s political department. Sun Yat-sen, whose power base was in the south, had planned to send an expedition against the northern warlords, but he died before it could get under way. Chiang Kai-shek, who succeeded him in the KMT leadership, began the northern expedition in July 1926. The Nationalist army met little resistance and by April 1927 had reached the lower Yangtze. Meanwhile, Chiang, claiming to be a sincere follower of Sun Yat-sen, had broken with the left-wing elements of the KMT. After the Nationalist forces had taken Shanghai, a Communist-led general strike was suppressed with bloodshed. Following suppressions in other cities, Chiang set up his own government at Nanjing on April 18, 1927. He professed friendship with the Soviet Union, but by July 1927 he was expelling Communists from the KMT. Some left-wingers left for the Soviet Union. The northern expedition was resumed, and in 1928 Chiang took Peking. China was formally unified. Nationalist China was recognized by the Western powers and supported by loans from foreign banks.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Hes A Lady essays

He's A Lady essays On Monday, May 20, 1782, a tall rangy blond young man with a firm jutting jaw and a prominent nose, who identified himself as Robert Shurtliff stated he wanted to join the army for the balance of the war. The Munster Master Noal Taft paid him sixty pounds bounty money and Shurtliff signed. The signature was bold, legible and still exists in Deborah Sampson was born into a poor family of seven children. At the age of 5, father disappeared and because her mother could not provide for her children, Deborah was taken in by another family. After moving around a few times, she ended up with the family of farmer Deacon Jeremiah Thomas where she was the only girl among ten sons. She spent her days doing strenuous farm work dressed in male clothing, and in the evening she made the boys, who went to school, teach her what they were learning. Deborah spent about ten years there, growing to be almost five foot eight inches tall, almost a foot taller than the average woman of her day. On May 20, 1782, dressed in men's clothing, Deborah signed up for the army as Robert Shurtliff. She marched with forty-nine other recruits to West Point where they were given their uniforms and equipment. Because there werent physical examinations for soldiers her gender went undetected. At this time, the last major battle of the Revolutionary War had already been fought, however, guerilla warfare was still being fought in some areas where Tories Deborah, or Robert Shurtliff, demonstrated courage, strength, loyalty and fighting skill over and over again during these small, but wild battles. When her group was ambushed near Tarrytown, Deborah was slashed in the forehead wound with a saber and was shot by a musket in the upper left front thigh causing her to fall to the ground. At a field hospital, a French doctor bound up her head wound. In ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Coronary risk factors Essays

Coronary risk factors Essays Coronary risk factors Paper Coronary risk factors Paper Coronary heart disease affects more than 7 million Americans. It remains the number one cause of death in the United States – mortality is more than 500,000 death cases per year. Many of these deaths can be prevented by lifestyle changes. American Hearth Association developed some evidence based factors that increase the risk of coronary heart disease and heart attack. All risk factors coulld be generally divided into two groups: controllable and uncontrollable. Uncontrollable risk factors include gender, age and heredity. Family history of premature CHD (coronary hart disease) is especially imortant for men younger than 55 and women younger than 65. Males generally are at greater risk initially, but in postmenopausal period women have equal risk. And, of course, risk increases with age. We can control blood pressure, blood cholesterol, harmful habits (like smoking, sedentary lifestyle), avoid stress. For example, people with HDL (high denisty lipids) cholesterol less than 40 mg/dl and high total level of cholesterol (more than 240 mg/dl) are at high risk of cornary diseases. Experts agree the decline in death rates from heart disease in the United States is due in part to the publics adopting a healthier lifestyle. Many deaths associated with heart disease are preventable. Many aspects of lifestyles are the key to prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD). By modifying lifestyle factors, individuals themselves hold the key to lowering their risk for developing and preventing illness and death from CHD. We need to be conscious of coronary risk factors and take the necessary steps to reduce and eliminate them. In almost all risk factors, exercise and physical activity can have a positive physiological and psychological impact to reduce or remove the contributor to he art disease. Regular, moderate to vigorous intensity exercise plays a significant role in preventing heart disease. Studies have shown that moderate exercise, when done regularly, is beneficial in reducing risk for heart disease. According to the US Surgeon Generals report, Physical Activity and Health, regular physical activity also improves life quality and its duration, prevent cancers, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and osteoporosis, relieves symptoms of depression and anxiety and improves mood, controls weight. But we should remember that exercise capacity is reduced in many patients with cardiovascular disease. In post-acute myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease and heart failure patients, exercise capacity has a strong independent prognostic impact. Even in subjects without history of heart disease, the lower the cardiorespiratory fitness the higher is the risk for cardiovascular events and mortality. With appropriate physical activity, exercise capacity is improved in most individuals. Improvement of functional capacity is associated with improvement of survival. To develop appropriate exercise program we should to determine present exercise levels (functional capacity), existing risk factors and get data of medical examinations. Client should be well motivated to reduce risk and to improve his/her cardiovascular fitness. To define exercises capacity we usually use aerobic fintness test (1-mile walkin on a treadmill), muscular fitness (push-ups or similar exercies), flexibility, BMI (body-mass index) defeninion. We should discuss the results with client, calculate a target heart range of pulse for him/her, to teach him/her how to take pulse, provide exact instructions and demonstrations. A comprehensive exercise program combines stretching, aerobic conditioning, and weight training. Inactive adults can improve their health by becoming moderately active. Exercise intensity, frequency, and duration are terms used in describing an exercise plan. Certain level of intensity is determined by the results of stress-test. The level of intensity should be â€Å"somewhat hard† to client. At least 30 – 60 minutes should be devoted to aerobic activity and maintaining heart rate within. To improve cardio respiratory capacity and control weight we usually recommend to exercise at least 3 – 5 days a week and to be moderately active most days of the week. Walking is the safest and most effective ways to improve cardiovascular fitness – it’s an ideal low impact aerobic exercise. In persons who have been sedentary in recent months, in those with known cardiovascular disease or at high risk, and in persons aged more than 40 years, the initial duration and intensity of the endurance phase should be suitably reduced. Ten minutes of gentle activity such as walking may be an appropriate first step, increasing at intervals of one week or longer according to tolerance, as fitness increases. Increments are first achieved by increasing duration. Later intensity is increased, for example by walking briskly, or by alternate walking and jogging. Dosage is affected by duration, intensity and frequency of exercise. The preferred frequency is 4-5 times weekly with an endurance phase of 20 30 minutes when a more gentle programme is chosen, or (in young fit persons) 3 times weekly with an endurance phase of 40 up to 60 minutes if it is more vigorous. While the latter option is suitable for younger persons and for fit middle-aged and older persons, a lesser duration and moderate intensity are appropriate to most middle-aged and older people, e.g. walking, fast walking, or alternate walking and jogging, or gentle swimming for 30 minutes at least 4-5 times weekly. Many authorities regard it as acceptable to divide moderate exercise such as walking into shorter aerobic periods of 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a day, if the person finds this more acceptable. Intensity can be judged subjectively, or objectively by instructing the subject to monitor pulse rate during exercise. A training effect is obtained at rates of 60% of maximum rate fo r age, and this is the initial target rate. Supervised exercise is recommended for clients at higher risk. Such persons at higher risk, including those aged 35 years and over who have been sedentary, should undergo formal exercise ECG testing prior to selection of a programme of exercise. References: 1: Gohlke H. [Lifestyle modification is it worth it?] Herz. 2004 Feb;29(1):139-44. 2: Vallebona A, Gigli G.   [Significance of exercise capacity in cardiology] Ital Heart J Suppl. 2003 Sep;4(9):712-9. 3:   Batty GD.   Physical activity and coronary heart disease in older adults. A systematic review of epidemiological studies. Eur J Public Health. 2002 Sep;12(3):171-6. 4: LaMonte MJ, Eisenman PA, Adams TD, Shultz BB, Ainsworth BE, Yanowitz FG.   Cardiorespiratory fitness and coronary heart disease risk factors: the LDS Hospital Fitness Institute cohort. Circulation. 2000 Oct 3;102(14):1623-8. 5:   Haapanen N, Miilunpalo S, Vuori I, Oja P, Pasanen M.   Association of leisure time physical activity with the risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension and diabetes in middle-aged men and women. Int J Epidemiol. 1997 Aug;26(4):739-47. 6: Folsom AR, Arnett DK, Hutchinson RG, Liao F, Clegg LX, Cooper LS. Physical activity and incidence of coronary heart disease in middle-aged women and men. Sci Sports Exerc. 1997 Jul;29(7):901-9. 7 Moller LF, Kristensen TS, Hollnagel H.   Physical activity, physical fitness, and cardiovascular risk factors. an Med Bull. 1991 Apr;38(2):182-7.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Critics - Essay Example n find the character of Gregor Samsa going through the process of metamorphosis, changing shapes and finally reaching final stage that is death in his case. The setting of the story is Gregor’s Samsa’s room as we can find the narrator discussing this room in depth where Gregor Samsa moves around the whole day. Gregor Samsa takes the shape of an insect due to which, his family and associates start staying away from him and feel unpleasant about his presence. He changes his appearance from being a human to an insect that is disagreeable for all due to which, he got alienated. It is Gregor’s Samsa’s room where he alienates himself from the rest of the world. In fact, he was already isolated when he was a human being and after being an insect, his isolation and loneliness intensified. This can also be a sign of an alienated society in which, no one has any association to any one and no one is interested in any other person. Lastly, the transformed state of Gregor Samsa, that is being an insect can be a symbol of his alienation that he already felt and near death, he started to take refuge of his own room and people started showing less interest in him as he was of no use for anyone. He knew this fact that because of his ailment, people will start considering him a burden so he shut himself down in his